First, thank you to everyone who rallied with us on the Capitol steps Thursday and took a Stand For AR Rights. We must continue to show up to remind legislators this is the people's house & they work for us.
Many of Arkansans rights are under attack and we need your help. We have several calls to action below to protect public education, child safety, ballot measures, affirmative action, and more.
Tell Arkansas Lawmakers to keep public dollars in public schools & vote NO on SB294.
This week, Arkansas witnessed a 144-page omnibus education bill be filed, pass through committee and pass in the Senate Chamber, all in less than 72 hours.
SB294 is now scheduled to be heard in the House Education Committee THIS Tuesday at 9 a.m.
We all share the same goals of building a world class education system accessible to all in Arkansas. We aren’t satisfied with the status quo where Arkansas lags much of the rest of the country in education.
However, SB294 aka the LEARNS Act:
Fundamentally undermines public education through the costs of what would be the biggest voucher scheme in the country
Puts more requirements on traditional public schools without holding private and other schools who accept public vouchers to the same standards
REPEALS the Teacher Fair Dismissal Act and the Public School Employee Fair Hearing Act
Silences educators and hurts kids through unclear “anti-indoctrination” language that will have a chilling effect on important topics like race and reproductive health
Allocates ZERO new dollars to improving or expanding access to early childhood education
Creates non-evidence-based, coercive takeovers of “failing” public schools by charters or private companies through contracts with unspecified time periods – another section of the bill that does not apply to non-public schools accepting voucher money
Includes some evidence-based, proven strategies – such as AR High Impact Tutoring Program – ONLY as pilot and grant programs set up in such a way that will sadly expand the equity gap between high and low wealth districts
Does not have long-term cost projections
CALL TO ACTION: Tell Arkansas lawmakers to do what’s right for Arkansas students and educators and vote no on SB294.
Leave a message for your representative: 501-682-6211
Share our LEARNS Act infographics on social media.
Other Bills We're Watching
Weakening our Child Labor Laws
Lead Sponsor: Rep. Rebecca Burkes [R] & Senator Clint Penzo [R] with four other Republican cosponsors
CFC Stance: Oppose
Summary: This bill removes the current requirements for youth to have permission from their parents to become gainfully employed. This legislation removes parental safeguards that protect employed youth across the state.
Why It Matters: Simply put, passage of HB1410 could mean more children hurt on job sites across Arkansas. This bill weakens our state's child labor laws, prioritizing businesses over the safety of our children.
Child labor rights violations are an issue on a national scale. From 2018 to 2022, the US Department of Labor investigated 4,000 cases and found more than 15,000 minors had suffered from employment violations. High profile businesses, from Chick - fil - A to Tyson to McDonalds, have been investigated related to child labor violations.
Current Status: This bill passed the House on Wednesday by 4 votes and was referred to the Senate Committee of Public Health, Welfare & Labor Feb. 22.
Call To Action: Tell your senator to put child safety first and VOTE NO on SB1410!
Senate Message Board: 501-682-2902
Email your Senator with template here.
Further Reading: Arkansas Lawmakers Considering Dangerous Changes To State Child Labor Law, Food sanitation company fined $1.5 million for illegal child labor
Attack on Ballot Measure UPDATE
SB260/HB1419: To Create the Ensuring Access for All Arkansans and Voter Protection Act of 2023.
CFC Stance: Oppose
Summary: SB260 and HB1419 would create impossible roadblocks and make it outrageously expensive for regular citizens to exercise their right to create laws. It’s nothing more than a power grab by some politicians and lobbyists.
Current Status: SB260 passed out of the Senate Feb. 20. HB1419 has passed the House with an emergency clause and is set to
Call To Action: Tell your lawmaker to Protect Your Rights and Vote No on SB260 and HB1419.House of Representative Message Board: 501-682-6211
Senate Message Board: 501-682-2902
Further Reading: "Arkansas lawmakers continue attacking the will of the people"
SB71: Attempt to End Affirmative Action UPDATE
SB71: To Prohibit Discrimination or Preferential Treatment By The State Of Arkansas And Other Public Entities
CFC Stance: Oppose
Summary: This bill is an attack on women and minorities. It repeals affirmative action in Arkansas, taking away protections for BIPOC and women in jobs and education.
Current Status: An amendment was passed to create two year waiting period before the law would go into effect. Lead sponsor Senator Dan Sullivan added the waiting period after receiving negative feedback and asks for a social impact study; however the ask was to put the bill in interim study.
Call To Action: Tell your lawmakers racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination still exist in Arkansas & to VOTE NO on SB71.
Further info: Watch the Arkansas Public Policy Panel's webinar on SB71 here.
Attack on Solar UPDATE
HB1370/SB295: To Amend The Arkansas Renewable Energy Development Act Of 2001; To Prevent Cost-Shifting And Ensure Fairness To All Ratepayers; And To Declare An Emergency
Lead Sponsor: Senator Jonathan Dismang [R] & Rep. Lanny Fite [R]
Summary/Why It Matters: This would move Arkansas away from 1:1 reimbursement. It would also reduce the maximum size for systems, among even more measures that would wreck net-metering as we know it.
Despite small amendments made, passage of these bills will still have a severe negative impact on solar jobs and the electric rates for Arkansas families, businesses, local governments, and houses of worship.
Current status: SB295 was filed Feb. 20 and passed in the Senate Insurance & Commerce Committee. HB1370 is scheduled to be heard in the House Chamber this Monday (Feb. 27) at 8:30 a.m.
Related reading: "Bills Put Utilities' Interests Ahead of State's"
Call to Action: Call the Arkansas House of Representative's Message Board at 501-682-6211 and ask them to protect Arkansas solar policy.
FRIDAY WEBINAR: This Legislative Session So Far
"How it's going now? The 7th week was really weird..."
During Friday's webinar Arkansas Public Policy Panel Policy Director Kymara Seals discussed how the Arkansas 94th General Legislative Assembly has been going so far with guests representatives Tippi McCullough and Vivian Flowers.
Watch full video & all past webinars here.
Next week's Noon Friday Webinars will be a deeper dive into public education with moderator and Panel Executive Director Bill Kopsky. Look for more information coming soon on the Panel's Facebook page.