This week SB294, the LEARNS Act, passed the House of Representatives. It was rushed through despite all the calls and emails; protests on the Capitol steps; and hours of testimony from educators, experts, advocates, and other residents from around the state against this 144-page education bill that is destined to fail Arkansas' K-12 students.
As Rep Jim Wooten, one of the three republicans to vote Nay, said: “This bill will come back to haunt you.”
Now what? SB294 still has to go back to the Senate to approve a minor amendment. We must keep advocating for evidence-based education reform and equal accountability for all schools receiving public tax dollars.
House of Representative Message Board: 501-682-6211
Senate Message Board: 501-682-2902
Find more info & ways to take action:
Further Reading: "Arkansas’s education system: You broke it, you bought it" – Bill Kopsky's latest Arkansas Times op-ed. / "Arkansas House approves governor’s education legislation, sends back to Senate"
Other Bills We're Watching
Attack on Ballot Measure UPDATE
HB1419: To Create the Ensuring Access for All Arkansans and Voter Protection Act of 2023.
Lead Sponsor: Sen. Jim Dotson (R), Rep. Kendon Underwood (R)
CFC Stance: Oppose
Summary: Seeks to amend the Arkansas constitution by increasing the number of counties required to obtain signatures for a ballot initiative from 15 counties to 50 counties.
Why It Matters:Voters have overwhelmingly rejected similar measures in recent years. HB1419 would create impossible roadblocks for regular citizens to exercise their right to create laws.
Current Status: It was amended in the House State Agencies committee to remove the signature increase, but the increased county threshold remains. An emergency clause was added. The bill now heads to the full Senate. This is our last chance to stop this bill.
Call To Action: Call, email or text your State Senator and ask them to vote NO on HB1419.
Sign our petition here.
Senate Message Board: 501-682-2902
Find your Senator's email and phone number here.
Further Reading: "Blatantly unconstitutional bill to raise threshold for ballot petitions clears Senate committee"
Trans Bathroom Ban
SB270: An Act To Amend The Criminal Offense Of Sexual Indecency With A Child; And For Other Purposes. To Amend The Criminal Offense Of Sexual Indecency With A Child.
Lead Sponsor: Senator John Payton [R]
CFC Stance: Oppose
Summary: SB270 would make it a crime for a trans person to use a bathroom or locker room that matches their gender identity if anyone under 18 is present in that facility. It would create a misdemeanor offense for knowingly remaining in a bathroom that doesn’t match the person’s assigned sex if a minor is present, which carries a $500 maximum fine and up to 30 days in jail. The first two times would qualify as a misdemeanor and the third would qualify as a felony.
Why It Matters: This bill would criminalize trans people using public restrooms and is the most extreme ban of its kind in the U.S. No evidence supports that this bill is needed. Of the seven anti-trans bills that have been filed, this is the most oppressive. This bill also has consequences for people who present differently from their assigned gender who are not transgender.
Current status: Re-referred to Senate Judiciary Committee with a meeting scheduled for March 6.
Call To Action: Contact your lawmakers and tell them to VOTE NO on SB270.
House of Representative Message Board: 501-682-6211
Senate Message Board: 501-682-2902
Find more info at Intransitive's Stop the Bills guide.
HB1410: To Revise The Child Labor Laws; And To Create The "Youth Hiring Act Of 2023"
Lead Sponsor: Rep. Rebecca Burkes [R] & Senator Clint Penzo [R] with four other Republican cosponsors
CFC Stance: Oppose
Simply put, HB1410 could mean more children hurt on job sites across Arkansas. This bill weakens our state's child labor laws, prioritizing businesses over the safety of our children.
Current Status: Sadly, this bill has passed the House and Senate and sent to the Governor's Office.
Election Integrity Unit: Solution in Search of a Problem
HB1513: To Create the Election Integrity Unit within the Attorney General's Office.
Lead Sponsor: Rep. Austin McCollum (R)
CFC Stance: Oppose
Summary: HB1513 would create a new unit under the AG to investigate election law violations. This new unit would assist the Secretary of State and the State Board of Election Commissioners in investigating election law violations, as well as let the AG assign a special deputy prosecutor to assist.
Why It Matters: The State Board of Election Commissioners already does this job, and they already do a good job at it. This is an attempt for the AG to increase his power and authority, further consolidating our government and expanding size when it's not needed. This new unit is searching for a problem that doesn't exist.
Current Status: It's assigned to the House State Agencies Committee, but no meeting has been scheduled yet.
Further Reading: Research shows that election fraud is rare in Arkansas (3 cases since the year 2000).
The Future of AR Public Education
During Friday's webinar Arkansas Public Policy Panel Executive Director Bill Kopsky discussed the future of Arkansas' Public Education with guests State Representative Denise Garner and educator Special Sanders.
Watch full video & all past webinars here.